A recent article in Vox featured an interview with Linda Prine, an abortionist who founded the Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline. Her comments were revealing – perhaps quite a bit more so than she intended them to be.
Commenting on the changes she has seen at her hotline since the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade, Prine stated:
[T]he difference now is that many of our callers are later in their pregnancies, because they’re getting their [abortion] pills from overseas. They’re ordering pills from online pharmacies, and they come sometimes with no directions.
… [A]nd they’re calling us scared, because they’ve passed a tiny but recognizable fetus, and they are freaked out and they weren’t expecting that. And it’s frankly traumatizing, what people are going through, because they haven’t had any anticipatory guidance that this might be happening …
Prine goes on to admit that, although the abortion pill is only FDA-approved for use up to 10 weeks in pregnancy, women are taking the drug sometimes at “14 weeks, 18 weeks.” Prine said the hotline “get[s] calls from people completely freaked out, crying, sobbing,” alluding to the horror women feel when they see the “recognizable” bodies of their babies that they were not expecting to see.
Thanks to the abortion industry’s “no-test” protocol, which eliminated important screenings to determine gestational age, women have even been prescribed the abortion pill as late as 30-36 weeks into their pregnancies, resulting in disastrous and tragic consequences.
There are several points worth noting about Prine’s statements.
First, baked right into her commentary is the admission that abortion is “frankly traumatizing.” Although Prine attempts to scapegoat external circumstances for causing this trauma, her efforts fall flat.
She claims the problem is that women are “ordering pills from online pharmacies” which send the drugs “with no directions,” and that women “haven’t had any anticipatory guidance” that they may see the corpse of a recognizable human being during the abortion pill process.
But this is disingenuous. Even abortion pills obtained via the “normal” channels do not come with disclaimers that advise women they may see a dead, recognizable human being. The most recent drug label for Mifeprex, the abortion pill, certainly doesn’t mention that fact. And websites for organizations which peddle the abortion pill, like Planned Parenthood and Carafem, skirt the issue, too, relying on euphemisms like “clumps of tissue” and “the pregnancy” to mask the reality of the experience:

Planned Parenthood website screenshot on abortion pill

Carafem website screenshot abortion pill
The language on these websites highlights another reason why Prine’s attempts to shift the trauma blame border on the absurd: the abortion industry has spent the last five decades lying to the public about the humanity of the preborn.
It is responsible for phrases like “clumps of cells,” “products of conception,” and “pregnancy tissue,” which insinuate that women are aborting something inconsequential. This was easier for the industry to get away with when most women were having surgical abortions and were not directly confronted with the corpses of their babies afterward.
But the abortion pill is changing this.
If women are surprised by what they are seeing after taking the abortion pill, it is because they have been assured by the abortion industry and its media accomplices that they are pregnant with something other than a living human being – and this lie is shattered by the horrifying reality of dead humans floating in toilets — humans with faces, fingers and toes, arms and legs… not mere clumps of cells.
Prine states: “[T]he trauma and the horror of the Dobbs decision is that people are having to go through something that they should not have to be experiencing.”
But Dobbs is not responsible for the trauma women experience when they take the abortion pill. Facing the reality that the life of a human being has been violently ended – as a consequence of what is sold to women as a medical decision – that is the cause of the trauma. The truth is what hurts.
But people deserve to know the truth and, conversely, are not owed insulation from the consequences of their actions. Of course, the abortion industry desperately wants to preserve the web of lies it constructed over the half-century during which Roe mandated its legal presence in all 50 states – because that tangle of propaganda has netted it billions of dollars.
Women who take the abortion pill are being confronted with the truth that abortion is homicide every day, however, and they are speaking up and sharing their stories. Truth will – always, eventually – come out. And in designing and promoting this deadly drug, the abortion industry may have inadvertently constructed the very gallows upon which it will swing.