
REJECT Planned Parenthood: Corporation ‘hopes’ to expand ‘gender affirming care’ for minors

Planned Parenthood’s agenda, which goes far beyond abortion, is being promoted to children. The taxpayer-funded organization, which offers hormone replacement, puberty blockers, and even surgery referrals, allegedly saw “1 in 6 U.S. teens and young adults who sought gender hormones” in 2023, according to insurance data.

Planned Parenthood, described by staff as one of the top U.S. providers of so-called “transgender” or “gender affirming care,” has been steeped in the idea of population control since its founding, and is now grooming children to accept transgender ideology. The corporation’s potential revenue from this is expected to be very lucrative.

Planned Parenthood normalizes the idea that gender can change anytime a person ‘feels’ like it, and has claimed that a child as young as two can know his or her “gender identity.” Dr. Michelle Forcier, who “worked for a number of Planned Parenthoods for 20 years,” told the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh that “There’s research and data that shows that babies and infants understand differences in gender.”

Planned Parenthood gender agenda shows services include HRT puberty blockers and referrals for surgery

Planned Parenthood gender agenda shows services include HRT puberty blockers and referrals for surgery

How Does Planned Parenthood Define ‘Gender’?

“Sex is a label” and “[g]ender is… a social and legal status, and set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts,” Planned Parenthood claims online, while “[g]ender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance. It’s a feeling that begins very early in life.”

“Gender transition is different for each person,” the corporation’s website states. “There aren’t any specific steps required for someone to transition — it’s all about what feels right for you. It’s sort of like a buffet, where you can try everything, a few things, or nothing at all. Also, you may not want or have access to some kinds of transition.”

In addition, Planned Parenthood states online that “Feeling like you’re multiple genders is totally normal and OK. Some people call this multigender. Being multigender is just as normal as being female, male, transgender, or any other.”

Planned Parenthood on being multigender

Planned Parenthood on being multigender

Little to No Counseling

Planned Parenthood clients have claimed that the organization does little to no counseling before prescribing cross-sex hormones or referring clients for permanent, body-altering surgery. Their “informed consent model” means Planned Parenthood does not “require a note from a mental health therapist to receive hormone therapy. We believe when our patients are fully informed, they can make the best decision for themselves and their bodies.”

“You do not need a diagnosis or therapist’s referral to receive care. We will inform you about the effects and discuss risks. You decide what’s best for you and your body,” a PP Handbook reads. “Most people are able to get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us,” Virginia League for PP wrote (emphasis added).

Planned Parenthood’s “guidelines increasingly reflected a ‘patient-led’ approach, with protocols added for minors… An internal slide presentation shows that Planned Parenthood gender services more than quadrupled between 2016 and 2021,” FP claimed.

Planned Parenthood will give trans hormones same day

Planned Parenthood will give trans hormones same day

Helena got testosterone from “one trip to Planned Parenthood when she was 18,” the New York Post wrote. “She said she was given four times the typical starting dose… without ever seeing a doctor,” the Post claimed (emphasis added).

Detransitioner Cat Cattinson claimed she “called up Planned Parenthood” thinking she would “have to go through some kind of process to get testosterone, whether it was a psychological evaluation or a certain number of visits with psychiatrists… But instead… I talked on the phone for 30 minutes with a doctor I’d never met in person and I got prescribed testosterone over the phone.”

Cristina Hineman, a plaintiff in a detransitioner lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, also claimed she did not receive informed consent.

How Does Planned Parenthood Target Minors? 

Just as it has done with contraception and abortion, Planned Parenthood is now targeting teens with an ideology promoting the idea of transgenderism.

  • PP’s Teen Video “Is This Normal? Puberty in Intersex and Non-Binary People, Explained,” linked on Planned Parenthood’s teen website, promotes “puberty blockers” and hormones to teens, claiming that these “puberty blockers… work like a stop sign, by holding hormones testosterone and estrogen that cause puberty changes, like facial hair growth and periods.”
  • PP’s Kids Video “The Gender Unicorn” can be viewed in multiple parts and tells viewers to go to the website “The Gender Unicorn” tells kids “gender identity” is “what you feel you are,” and suggests “it’s up here in the brain… not what your genitals tell you are” — it’s “who you feel you are.”
  • PP Teen Video “What Is Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation?” advises teens that “Identity is who you go to bed as. And orientation is who you go to bed with.”

Of course, manipulating sensitive hormones does not actually “work like stop sign,” and the idea that one can simply ignore or override one’s biology without consequence is a false promise.

In addition, Planned Parenthood created a video to “educate” parents on how to know if their “kid is transgender.”

Image: Planned Parenthood video for kids The Gender Unicorn

Planned Parenthood video for kids The Gender Unicorn

In schools, Planned Parenthood is working to normalize the transgender ideology to children. As Fox News recently reported, “An elementary school in Washington state reportedly used sex education material from Planned Parenthood that included information about puberty blockers and graphics of pubic hair art.”

Jamie Reed, a former Planned Parenthood worker, admitted in 2023 that transgender services are basically a cash cow for the organization, tweeting from her @JamieWhistle handle on “X”: “Planned Parenthood (and I was a clinical manager at PP years ago) makes money from visits. We used to stack 4 patients an hour. The quicker the ‘assessment’ the more they make.”

She then advocated for “ensur[ing] the safety of American children,” telling the Free Press (FP) that “we need a moratorium on the hormonal and surgical treatment of young people with gender dysphoria.”

‘Leading provider’ of gender hormones ‘for young adults’

Planned Parenthood has “become the country’s leading provider of gender transition hormones for young adults, according to insurance claim data,” an article published by the Free Press noted. “Insurance claim information provided to The Free Press by the Manhattan Institute shows that at least 40,000 patients went to Planned Parenthood for this purpose last year alone, a number that has risen tenfold since 2017. The largest proportion, about 40 percent, were 18- to 22-year-olds.”

According to FP, “insurance claim data (estimates that do not include patients who pay out of pocket) suggest that 1 in 6 U.S. teens and young adults who sought gender hormones last year were seen at Planned Parenthood. Between 2017 and 2023, affiliated clinics filed gender-related insurance claims for 12,000 youths aged 12–17.”

FP noted (emphases added):

There were plans to bring in even younger patients. In 2022, the Planned Parenthood in Santa Cruz launched another pilot, this time offering puberty blockers and hormones for teens aged 15 and under.

The goal was to expand the program, but only ‘a small handful’ of families came, an affiliate spokesperson told me, and it was shuttered.

Nationally, Planned Parenthood’s website tells teens who want to “transition”: “If you’re 17 or younger, you need your parent or guardian’s consent to get gender-affirming hormone replacement therapies (HRT) like testosterone and estrogen.” They also claim that “some Planned Parenthood health centers only provide HRT to patients who have parental consent and are at least 16 years old, while others only provide HRT for ages 18+. Other doctors may prescribe hormones to patients who are 12 and up with parental consent.”

Image: Planned Parenthood HRT teens need parents permission

Planned Parenthood HRT teens need parents permission

Planned Parenthood Locations Targeting Minors 

PP of Southwest and Central Florida (PPSWCF): PPSWCF previously offered “gender-affirming hormone therapy” to 15-year-olds with “special consents” and “additional paperwork,” writing, “If you are under the age of 14 all of your appointments must be in person.” In 2023, the group’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robyn Schicklertold that PPSWCF “provides estrogen and testosterone hormone therapy to approximately 1,900 patients a year, including minors as young as 14 with parental consent after an extensive evaluation process.”

Image: Planned Parenthood SW and Central Florida on 14 15 17 year old's gender affirming care

Planned Parenthood SW and Central Florida on young teens – “gender affirming” care

PP Mar Monte: Offers hormones “16-17 with parental consent” with “special consents.” The affiliate’s brochure stated that ” If you are 16-17, California state law requires that your parent or legal guardian provides consent for gender affirming hormone therapy. Most people are able to get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us” (emphasis added).

Image: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Gender Affirming services for minors

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Gender Affirming services for minors

PP Hudson Peconic (PPHD): Available to teens “16 and older (under 18 requires parent/guardian consent)” and their online brochure says, “we do not require a mental health clearance prior to initiating hormones” (emphasis added).

PP of Illinois (PPIL): Available to teens “ages 16 and up… If you’re 16 or 17, you’ll meet with our Behavioral Health team before seeing a medical provider” to “discuss Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy and assess if further support is needed. All legal guardians must attend this visit and the first clinical appointment to sign a medical consent.”

Planned Parenthood Illinois and Hudson Peconic offers trans services at 16 YO

Planned Parenthood Illinois and Hudson Peconic offers trans services at 16 YO

PP of Delaware:  Available to teens “aged 17 and older. Parental/guardian consent required for <18 years.”

PP of Maryland: Available to teens “aged 16 and older. Parental/guardian consent required for <18 years.”

PP Massachusetts: Available to teens “16 and over.” If under 16, the affiliate will refer elsewhere.

PP North Central States: Available to teens “16 years old and post-puberty” in Minnesota and Nebraska.


Planned Parenthood Maryland and Massachusetts offers trans services at 16 YO

Planned Parenthood Maryland and Massachusetts offers trans services at 16 YO

PP North Central States trans services to 16 yo

PP North Central States trans services to 16 yo

PP Great Rivers (formerly Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri): Available to teens “16 or 17” but “there are additional requirements,” and “a parent or guardian [must be] with you during your visit.” The affiliate previously also wrote, “If you are less than 16 years old we can refer you to the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.”

Image: Planned Parenthood St Louis Region SW MO Gender Affirming services for teens

Planned Parenthood St Louis Region SW MO “Gender Affirming services” for teens

Virginia League for Planned Parenthood’s transgender brochure (previously linked at its website) says PP “serves patients 16 & older for HRT, with the hope to serve younger patients in the future” (emphasis added) and “If… younger than 16 and interested in HRT, call our Transgender Health Line and we will do our best to assist you.”

Image: Virginia League for Planned Parenthood transgender brochure

Virginia League for Planned Parenthood transgender brochure

Planned Parenthood will refer or consult with minors 

  • PP of the Pacific Southwest says, “While patients under 18 cannot received hormone therapy, they may have a consultation with a provider to understand treatment options and to receive medications to stop their periods (if desired).”
  • PP of Michigan refers minors for “gender affirming hormone therapy for youth…”
  • PP of the Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley (PPPSG) refers minors through their “patient navigators,” the affiliate’s FAQ states.
  • PP of Metropolitan New Jersey‘s welcome letter states, “We see patients ages 18 and older, and for youth we are able to refer to other local providers who can offer Gender Affirming Care.”
  • PP North County New York says, “For our gender affirming care… If you are under 18, we can refer you to other providers who can give you hormonal care.”
    Image: Planned Parenthood of the North County Gender Affirming services will refer minors

    Planned Parenthood of the North County Gender Affirming services will refer minors

  • PP Keystone says, “If you or someone you know is under 18 and is interested in learning more about hormone therapy, you can contact our Patient Navigators… They can help find resources.” And if someone does not have the funds, PP Keystone says it will assist that person with getting Medicaid. The affiliate links to documents detailing the effects of “feminizing” and “masculinizing” hormone injections.
    Planned Parenthood will refer for transgender surgeries

    Planned Parenthood will refer for transgender surgeries

  • In one undercover sting, Planned Parenthood referred who they were told was a 14 year-old child seeking “gender-affirming” services to another organization — willing to hide the child’s transition from her parents.

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