Yesterday, Students for Life shared with us the passing of Neal Rylatt. We encourage you read the full post here. An except is below:
This past Friday, May 4th, our friend and fellow defender of Life, Neal Rylatt, passed away surrounded by his family. In some ways that is where his story ends but for those who he has left behind, it is where his story begins in their lives. Neal has left behind a legacy of affirming life at school, outside of abortion facilities, and through offering up his sufferings for the pre-born and their mothers.
Diagnosed with Leukemia, Neal finished his first round of chemo in May of 2011, just as he was getting set to graduate from high school. After spending a summer enjoying his returning health, he started classes at Franciscan University of Steubenville (FUS) last August. Since 7th grade, when he had requested pro-life t-shirts as a birthday gift, Neal had a deep passion for protecting the most innocent among us, the pre-born.