Operation Rescue has obtained documents that tell of an incident occurring at late-term abortionist Martin Haskell’s facility in Dayton, Ohio, on June 11, 2015, in which “a 31-year old woman who was so impaired by an overdose of street drugs that she could not give her consent” was given an abortion anyway.
At the time of the incident, pro-lifers present at the Women’s Med Center (WMC) noted an ambulance at the facility, but it appeared from the 911 call that the incident was not abortion-related, as workers there made no mention of a late-term abortion being performed on the patient. But then, last month, Operation Rescue obtained a report from the Ohio Department of Health which showed…
… that a complaint was immediately filed against the WMC, presumably by someone associated with the hospital where the patient was taken. This prompted an inspection the following day, on June 12, 2015.
During that inspection, the WMC was cited for “failure to ensure a patient was allowed to refuse or withdraw consent for treatment when her physical and cognitive condition precluded her from participating in her treatment.”
The DOH report notes that dilators were inserted into the patient’s cervix, and she was then given six tablets of the narcotic pain killer Percocet, and was told to return the following day. When she did return, she was unable to walk or speak coherently, and relied on the assistance of a friend. According to this friend, the patient had taken several other drugs in addition to the Percocet, including heroin. But rather than call 911 to have the patient admitted to the hospital for a drug overdose, the abortionist — presumed to be Dr. Roslyn Kade — completed a late-term abortion on the semi-conscious patient (who could not give her consent) after consulting Haskell and one other physician. The patient’s blood pressure was reportedly quite low during the abortion.
Operation Rescue notes:
It was only after the abortion was completed that 911 was called and Patient 1 was given Narcan, a drug to counteract the effects of opiate drugs….
OR’s Troy Newman reports that the 911 call audio left out the fact that this patient had just undergone an abortion, which “put the EMS workers at a disadvantage when responding to the call for help.”
Despite putting this patient at grave risk, Operation Rescue says “the facility remains open and there is no evidence that the Ohio Medical Board has held Haskell or the suspected abortionist, Roslyn Kade, responsible in any way.”