A new report claims that the Biden administration is pressuring the country of Sierra Leone to adopt pro-abortion policies by threatening to withhold foreign assistance if the legislation does not pass.
According to Fox News, nearly all preborn children are currently protected from abortion in the African nation, but the legislation currently being considered would legalize abortion up to 14 weeks for any reason, and up to birth to protect the “mental health of the woman.” The country currently stands to receive $480 million in aid from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government-run funding allocator — provided it passes the pro-abortion legislation.
For its part, the MCC is denying the accusations, telling Fox News, “The Millennium Challenge Corporation is unaware of any Sierra Leonean abortion legislation and has never made any requests to the Government of Sierra Leone regarding abortion policies. Any such legislation would be an internal matter for Sierra Leone with no U.S. government developments fund made contingent on its passage.”
However, a former senior U.S. government official who has worked in the West African region told The Daily Signal otherwise, noting that it was “common knowledge” in Sierra Leone that the funding was dependent upon on the abortion vote.
READ: The abortion industry is renewing its push to promote death in Africa
Many of Africa’s nations have historically had pro-life laws and beliefs, and therefore have routinely come under pressure from other foreign agencies to promote abortion. In September, the Canadian government announced its donation of $200 million to help promote abortion in the continent; earlier this year, a new pro-abortion coalition was formed to help promote abortion in Africa’s developing countries.
The Sierra Leone news was roundly condemned by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), who released a statement blasting the Biden administration.
“It is deeply disturbing, but not terribly surprising, that we are hearing reports that the Biden Administration is threatening to withhold foreign assistance to Sierra Leone unless legislators there pass the deceptively named ‘Safe Motherhood Act’ legislation that would legalize abortion in Sierra Leone, a country that currently protects unborn life. Let me be clear, abortion is not health care, nor is it an internationally recognized human ‘right,’” Smith said.
“The Biden Administration’s pro-abortion bullying tactics and raw attempt at ideological colonialism is unacceptable. Abortion always ends the life of the unborn baby and harms the mother,” he added.
Tell President Trump, RFK, Jr., Elon, and Vivek:
Stop killing America’s future. Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!