Heartbreaking new statistics have just come out of Illinois. On January 17, the state released abortion numbers for 2017-2018, the latest years available. As Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler observed, despite fewer abortions nationally and despite a lower total population in Illinois, the number of abortions rose significantly. What’s more, these totals come from well before the passage of the state’s extreme Reproductive Health Act, which, as previously reported by Live Action News, “does away with things the state’s ban on partial-birth abortion, ends the need for licensing abortion facilities by the state, allows non-physicians to commit abortions, and allows for abortion at any time, for any reason, including for reasons of ‘health’ which may include ‘physical, emotional, psychological, familial’ or any other type of ‘health’ the abortionist will accept.”
Perhaps most important of all, the statistics note that “[l]ate term abortions (20 weeks gestation or later) rose from 255 in 2017 to 664 in 2018, an increase of 80%.” That’s more than 19 full kindergarten classrooms of children whose lives were ended in 2018 by Illinois’ abortion policies — seven more full classrooms than in 2017. Abortion is greatly damaging America’s next generation.
Planned Parenthood wants Americans to believe late-term abortion is rare because it allows them and other abortion facilities to operate in the background, with no light being shed on the daily atrocities. In Colorado, volunteers are collecting signatures to place a late-term abortion ban on the ballot. The volunteers report that the majority of people they speak to are completely unaware that late-term abortion — until the day of birth — is legal in Colorado. When they find out, they are horrified. Science has shown that babies can feel pain at least by 20 weeks, and likely much sooner. Children are also surviving at earlier ages outside the womb, and modern viability has reached 22 weeks.
READ: EXTREME: Illinois abortion advocates now want to repeal parental notification
As previously mentioned, Illinois recently passed one of the nation’s most expansive abortion laws. Because of this, Illinois and Colorado have both become sites of abortion tourism where late-term abortion is disproportionately committed. Late-term abortion is committed in a variety of horrifying ways.
From 20-24 weeks, dismemberment abortion is often used, where children are literally torn apart limb by limb. (Watch a former abortionist explain D&E abortion here.) After 24 weeks, induction abortion — usually a three-day process — is often used.
Another little-known method is exsanguination, in which a preborn child is essentially left to bleed to death while still in the womb. Abortionist Forrest Smith recently testified in California court “that he extracts and cuts the umbilical cord and then ‘watches with my ultrasound’ for the preborn child’s heart to stop beating. He said that this usually takes ‘six-and-a-half to seven minutes.'” Leah Torres, another abortionist, once tweeted about this method, saying, “fetuses can’t scream” because she “transect[s] the [umbilical] cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity.”
Thanks to Illinois’ expansive abortion laws and the state’s forced taxpayer funding, more babies than ever are meeting their deaths through these horrific methods. Illinois’ statistics show the state is becoming a top abortion dumping ground. What a tragedy for the one-time Land of Lincoln.
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