
What is your response?

pregnantbellyHas something similar like this ever happened to you?

Your friend is 19-years-old. Life is fun and everything is going great. You both have enjoyed being young and single but everything changes in a moment. She comes over to your house because she says she has something very important to tell you. It seems serious. She sits down and fumbles around with the hem of her shirt. Her gaze is down. She can’t look you in the eyes. She hesitates, then say’s the words:

“I’m pregnant.” 

What was your response? What would BE your response? Do you put your hand on her shoulder and look at her pitifully and say, “I’m sorry.” It’s probably a natural instinct to love them so much that you wished it happened in the order that is more ideal. Boyfriend, Engagement, Marriage and then baby. But it didn’t. Your reaction could be the very words that she so desperately needed to hear. Your words in this moment could be the life-saving words that could change her thinking in a critical moment as she ponders the choice of life vs. death.  Have you been confused what to say? I have a different idea of how to respond …

Here is my opinion:



Then go give her a big hug because she probably needs one. 

It will rock their world. God, Who is the creator of all things and Who breathes life into every person, also created this baby they are carrying. If God blessed her with a baby, do you tell her you’re sorry that He did that?

Yes there was a moment of weakness that put this life into motion. Yes there was sin. Yes there are consequences for our sins. It’s not easy being a single mom. It’s hard work. But God is so good that He promises to turn ALL things for good for those that love Him. This baby is a gift! A blessing! Whether they choose to parent or to do adoption, this baby will most likely be the best thing that has ever happened to them.

The sin is over. Now there is life. It’s a fresh start. New beginnings. A reason to live different. A reason to love again. A reason to feel valued. A reason that inspires purpose and destiny.

Life Changes Everything.

A mother of a girl that just found out she is pregnant, messaged me about her daughter and wanting to get her plugged into Embrace Grace. She wrote me back and included this:

“Sorry, I’m rambling but I did want to tell you thank you for saying ‘congratulations’ the other day. You cannot imagine how healing that can be when others that I have told have just told me how sorry they are. I believe every child deserves to be celebrated no matter what circumstances they are born under. It just really spoke the language of my heart when you said that.”

Be the one that has a different response. No shame. No regret. No looking back. Look forward to what God can do … because it’s good. He is good. Your words could inspire the choice of LIFE.

A baby changes everything.

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