Texas has one of the strictest sonograms laws in the nation – and it’s working. The Houston Chronicle reports on a recent study from researchers at Ibis Reproductive Health, the University of Texas, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham:
Texas clinics have performed 10 percent to 15 percent fewer abortions since the state enacted strict requirements two years ago for women seeking the procedure.
Researchers actually credit the obstacles with the reduction in abortion and say it isn’t related to women changing their minds, but just to the difficulties they face in obtaining an abortion. However, a 24-hour waiting period and an ultrasound are hardly a massive requirement to obtain elective surgery, no matter what the abortion industry might argue. Rarely, if ever, does anyone have same-day surgery in this nation unless it’s emergency surgery, resulting from something like a ruptured appendix or the result of a critical car accident where the patient’s life is endangered.
The Chronicle cites one of the researchers from Ibis, Dr. Daniel Grossman:
“Our findings so far indicate these regulations do not positively impact women’s decision-making and, in fact, are burdensome for women.” Grossman adds, “There has been an overall decline nationally in abortions. But this appears to be more pronounced.”
Criticized by some are things such as the average wait after seeing a doctor until the abortion – 3.7 days. This was blamed on clinic scheduling, but that isn’t a valid reason to criticize a law as oppressive. Medical scheduling is rarely instant, and 3.7 days isn’t actually a long time from a first appointment to a surgery. And abortion is a surgical procedure.
Further findings from the study, the Chronicle reports, indicated that the law costs the women extra for an abortion due to “the two doctor visits, [plus] they traveled an average of 84 miles round-trip and typically incurred additional costs of about $146 for travel expenses, child care and lost wages.”
When it comes to elective surgery, it’s hard to find much sympathy for $146, even for those who support abortion. Medical care for necessities, let alone electives, is pricey. It’s not at all uncommon to find insurance co-pays of $150-$500 – or more – for surgeries and outpatient procedures. The fact of the matter is that the law isn’t really that burdensome and has actually saved lives.

Texas Governor Rick Perry.
Texas Governor Rick Perry is often maligned by women’s groups for his strong stance on life, and as the paper notes, he told a group in January at the state capitol, “The ideal world is one without abortion. Until then, we will continue to pass laws to ensure that they are rare as possible.”
The governor has been true to his commitment to life, and as a result, 10-15% fewer babies have died in the Lone Star State.
It’s hard to argue that waiting 3.7 days for surgery or spending $146 more on it is an excessive demand for a medical procedure. Even if this were about a non-controversial issue that didn’t actually take another person’s life, it would clearly not be an undue burden under the law.
The abortion industry operates on the principle of “we want what we want how we want it now.” We see it all the time in signs and chants at protests:
Abortion on demand without apology.
They argue that abortion is health care. Well, health care costs money and takes time. In Texas, that’s proven to save lives.