
RH Reality Check laments scrutiny of lawbreaking abortionists

Planned Parenthood, woman

sad woman girl

Dr. Ulrich Klopfer is a victim. Did you know that? The Indiana abortionist is the subject of a mean, mean anti-abortion witch hunt. The kindly man, who was nice enough to perform an abortion on a 13-year-old girl without reporting the procedure to the state as required, is now being picked on by us pro-life bullies. Why won’t we just let abortionists perform abortions on minors without reporting it like they want to? Why do we always have to get in the gosh darn way of baby killing?

That’s the attitude that RH Reality Check is taking on the charges filed against Dr. Klopfer. Far from being appalled that Dr. Klopfer broke the law by failing to report statutory rape, they’re his biggest cheerleaders.

The South Bend Tribune reported that Klopfer was one of several Indiana doctors to delay reporting abortions on minors, and that he had done so on at least three occasions. Klopfer told the Tribune that he had made an “honest mistake” in taking too long to report two of those abortions, but disputed state records that said he had taken six months to report a third from February 2013. Klopfer said he faxed the necessary report to the department of health on the day of that procedure.

As RH Reality Check reported in November, a growing number of states are requiring providers to report abortions on minors as possible cases of rape or incest, even when no evidence of abuse exists—and anti-choice groups are increasingly exploiting these rules to try to discredit doctors or close clinics.

… While Klopfer again admitted to making “honest mistakes” in waiting too long to file reports, he said that the Right to Life groups are “basically doing a witch hunt” against him.

RH Reality Check did indeed report on the issue of abortion and statutory rape. They criticized laws requiring abortionists to report abortions performed on minors, saying it criminalized normal teen sex.

Yes, it is absolutely 100% completely normal for 13-year-olds to have sex. The same goes for 11-year-olds, and 12-year-olds… which are the ages of children who were seen at Planned Parenthood without their sexual activity being reported to the state. There are sadly multiple examples of abortionists protecting rapists by failing to report abuse. But there’s no need for those pesky statutory rape laws in conjunction with abortion, right?

The most disturbing aspect of this story from RH Reality Check, and the multiple stories they’ve run in the past about the issue, is the utter lack of concern for the children in question. All these abortion advocates are concerned about is protecting the abortionists and normalizing sexual abuse — even though having sex with a minor under the age of 13 is, by Planned Parenthood’s own policy, rape. But that doesn’t matter, because it may deter these children from obtaining abortions. And it may put abortionists who break the law, like Dr. Klopfer allegedly has, out of business. If you needed to know only one thing about the pro-abortion lobby, this would be it. Their priority is keeping abortionists in business, even at the expense of abused children.

It doesn’t get more disturbing or despicable than that.

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