Rolling Stone has always been a terrific source for news related to something many of us care deeply about: music. But unfortunately, Rolling Stone often does not stick to writing about what they are good at writing about.
One such instance took place earlier this week, when Rolling Stone published an extremely biased article accusing pro-lifers of inciting violence against abortion facilities. While this is not a new argument, the way the article blatantly equates pro-lifers with psychotic and violent criminals, simply because they exercise their right to free speech, is quite disturbing.
In the article, authors David S. Cohen and Krysten Connon criticize the Center for Medical Progress for releasing videos documenting unethical behavior by Planned Parenthood officials, also slamming lawmakers for subsequently investigating Planned Parenthood. In their opinion…
This one-two punch of anti-abortion activity almost guarantees that the increased violence against abortion providers… will continue into 2016 and beyond.
Honestly, I’m a little confused by this line of thinking. First, much of the “evidence” produced by Cohen and Connon is absolutely unreliable, such as online threats which could have been posted by anyone – including pro-abortion activists. Second, since when should government agencies hold off on investigating organizations they fund with taxpayer dollars, out of fear that a few lunatics will respond violently?
In addition to unreliable evidence, the statistics provided in the article do not prove what the Rolling Stone would apparently hope. For example, Cohen and Connon admit that in 2015, abortion facilities suffered from four arsons and 67 instances of vandalism. While any acts of violence are absolutely unacceptable, bluntly speaking these numbers are extremely low, considering that the majority of Americans oppose abortion in some or all cases.
But Cohen and Connon didn’t just toss blame at the Center for Medical Progress and congressional investigations. They also took the opportunity to blame pro-life legislation and pro-life opinion in general…
The spike [in abortion related violence] cannot be attributed only to the actions of the Center for Medical Progress. Rather, this increase in violence must be viewed against the backdrop of heightened anti-abortion sentiment across the country. For example, since 2010 there have been a record number of anti-abortion laws enacted throughout the country. These laws are strongly correlated with increased harassment of providers.
The article goes on to mention the recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs by a crazed lone gunman, Robert Dear. But what Rolling Stone won’t tell you is that following the shooting, pro-life leaders across the nation decried the violence, because they are, well, pro-life. The article also conveniently fails to mention the “hate speech,” threats, and instances of violence committed by the pro-abortion side.
Instead of admitting the truth that violent psychopaths are not the norm, instead of recognizing the obvious truth that the pro-life movement stands for and promotes peace and life, instead of putting blame where it belongs – on violent criminals, not on pro-lifers in general – such shamelessly biased articles falsely portray free speech, the pro-life view, and opposition to Planned Parenthood as a serious and deadly problem.