Pro-lifers in Romania and the Republic of Moldova have declared March 2020 the “Month for Life.” The initiative, which aims to bring greater awareness to the plight of abortion in the region, will feature pro-life events in an estimated 900 cities and towns around the country throughout the month. It will culminate with the 10th annual March for Life near the end of the month. The theme of the annual pro-life event is “For Life. For Parents. For Children.”
The March for Life will take place on March 28 in Bucharest’s Union Square — a joint effort between the country’s pro-life student organization, Students for Life, and the organization Romania for Life. “The March for Life and the activities organized during the Month for Life are the most important pro-life events in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. In the last decade, hundreds of thousands of participants have sent a clear message: society is as good as we make it and we want to build a society which supports pregnant women and their unborn children,” the organizers wrote in a press release.
The Month for Life and March for Life come in response to the country’s alarming abortion statistics. Abortion is one of the leading crises throughout the region. As of 2017, Romania ranked eighth in the world in the total number of abortions committed. When ranked according to population, Romania and the Republic of Moldova committed the fifth and sixth most abortions, respectively. According to the organizers of the March for Life event, 22,880,236 abortions were committed in the country between 1958 and 2018. That number only counts abortions committed at state-owned institutions and does not include chemical abortions or those committed in private facilities. Pro-life organizers believe sex trafficking contributes to this high abortion rate.
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While abortion is a pressing issue, the pro-life movement is growing. When the March for Life and Month for Life initiative began in 2013, just 23 cities and towns participated in pro-life events. The number of participants has grown steadily each year. 2020’s estimated number of 900 is 230 more than last year.
While the pro-life organizers hope to spotlight attention on abortion throughout the month of March, they want everyone to remember that abortion is a lasting issue. They end their press release by saying, “The March for Life happens on the 28th of March, but it does not end then. Romania needs actions in support of life throughout the year and a natural daily pro-life attitude. The Romania of the future is the Romania for life, is the parents and children’s Romania! Indifference and abortion destroy Romania, while love and responsibility build it!”
To find out more about just a few of the activities happening during the month, see a calendar of events here. For information on the March for Life and to view all the cities and towns participating in the Month for Life, visit this website.
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