
Rose: Justice today for David Daleiden; Special prosecutor must look into charges against Planned Parenthood

ARLINGTON, VA (July 26, 2016) — Statement from Lila Rose, president and founder of national pro-life organization Live Action, on the Harris County, Texas, district attorney dropping all remaining charges against David Daleiden in the Center for Medical Progress ‘s undercover video investigation exposing Planned Parenthood:

“Justice won out today. David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have done a tremendous service on behalf of the most defenseless in our nation, exposing the barbaric practice of baby body parts trafficking — and they should be commended, not penalized. Court documents show the DA communicated with Planned Parenthood behind the scenes from the beginning and gave the abortion giant public relations cover for months. It’s now time for a special prosecutor to do what Planned Parenthood’s own attorney admitted the DA didn’t do: ask a grand jury to look into Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of baby body parts. ”

The district attorney misled the media and the public when it stated in a news release, “This grand jury cleared PPGC of breaking the law.” Grand juries have no authority to “clear” anyone or declare them innocent. The Associated Press also reported that the grand jury never was asked to vote on charges against Planned Parenthood.

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