
Rose: Planned Parenthood pushing to make it illegal for media to publish undercover footage of its facilities

ARLINGTON, VA (May 31, 2016) — Following is a statement from Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, on a bill in the California State Assembly sponsored by Planned Parenthood that would make it a crime to publish certain conversations with health care providers. Under the bill, a person posting a recording or video of an interaction with an abortion facility employee or volunteer could be prosecuted:

“For years, undercover journalists have documented Planned Parenthood employees covering up for sex traffickers, failing to report child sexual abusers, and trafficking in baby body parts. Rather than be more transparent with the public, Planned Parenthood wants to make it a crime for the media to publish evidence that it might be doing something illegal.

“A watchdog media is a cornerstone of a democratic society, and when the public funds half of the abortion giant’s operations, it has a right to know that its money isn’t being used to break the law or commit abuses. Planned Parenthood commits nearly one third of all abortions in this country — over 320,000 each year. Americans understand that abortion is a grave act that takes a human life, and undercover journalists have been the ones who have exposed the many abuses that often accompany it.

“This outrageous bill is a direct attack on the freedom of the press and is blatantly unconstitutional. This bill puts Planned Parenthood’s interests ahead of the First Amendment, its clients, and the public, and it would keep evidence of illegal or abusive activity hidden from nearly everyone’s view.”

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