Speaking to an Ohio audience on Thursday, Hillary Clinton drew parallels between pro-lifers and terrorists:
Now, extreme views about women? We expect that from some of the terrorist groups. We expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world. But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States….
In a Thursday interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, presidential candidate Marco Rubio fired back, first responding to Clinton’s comments comparing him (along with fellow contenders Jeb Bush and John Kasich) to terrorists…
Yeah, it’s par for the course for her.
Look, she’s a failing candidate, has no credibility, being exposed for being deceitful on the whole issue of her server, compromised the national security of the United States. And quite frankly, she’s been chasing Senator Bernie Sanders and others in her party to the extreme left. So obviously, she’s going to go around saying outrageous things, and I expect more of it in the months to come.
Rubio went on to turn Clinton’s comments on extremists back on herself, mentioning her support for late-term and even partial-birth abortion:
Hillary Clinton voted against the partial birth abortion ban, which an overwhelming majority of Americans support, and she voted against it. She believes that children should be aborted even after 20 weeks of the pregnancy, when it’s clearly a formed human being, obviously still in development stages, but at 24 weeks, survivable outside the womb. She doesn’t believe that the parents of minors should be notified when their daughter is going to have a procedure of the magnitude that is an abortion.
These are extremist views. They’re outside the mainstream of the majority of our country. And the press covers up for them, but that’s their extremist views, the one that she holds. She supports taxpayer funding of abortion, using American taxpayer money to fund abortions overseas. We look forward to exposing her extremism.
Hillary Clinton is currently the leading Democratic presidential candidate. In her world, infanticide and the sale of human body parts are simply part of “women’s health,” while speaking out against such inhumane practices is considered “extreme.”