You can’t put a price on life.
But for Online for Life (OFL), an organization dedicated to rescuing babies from abortion using digital metrics to statistically verify each life saved, the cost of rescuing an unborn child is necessarily quantified in dollars.
Founded in 2009, Online for Life uses rigorously tested internet advertising, search engine optimization, and even offline marketing to reach abortion-determined individuals and connect them with their local pregnancy resource centers (PRC). And when a woman goes to her appointment at the PRC, she’ll receive compassion, care, and honest information about abortion and all available life-giving alternatives, which many times will result in a decision for life.
Through statistical analysis, Online for Life has created a process that allows the marketing team to walk alongside each client, from the instant she or he connects with Online for Life on the internet, through the initial session at a local PRC, and all the way down to that wonderful moment when a decision for life is made. Tracking this process provides the Online for Life team with the statistical data they need to determine the exact dollar amount that’s required to rescue one baby in the womb.
And that amount currently stands at $265 for every unborn child rescued from abortion. Over a year’s time, that’s just 73 cents a day, or a little over five dollars a week, which equates to the cost of one large specialty coffee drink a week.
Now with that cost-per-life-saved dollar amount as the focus, Online for Life has launched its first-ever #OneLessforOneMore campaign, which encourages individuals to give up one thing in 2014 to help rescue one baby from abortion.
“The idea is to challenge people in the pro-life community to get involved in a very practical way. It can be as simple as giving up a fancy drink at Starbucks each week[.] … If one would do this throughout the year, that savings adds up to just about the amount that Online for Life spends to help save an unborn child,” says Brian Fisher, co-founder and president of Online for Life.
Primarily featured on Online for Life’s Facebook page, the #OneLessforOneMore campaign will highlight fun and meaningful ways that people can get involved – and continue to be involved after the campaign ends by becoming regular, ongoing supporters of Online for Life. From giving up one fast-food lunch per week to sacrificing that monthly mani or pedi appointment at the nail salon, Online for Life challenges its more than 270,000 Facebook fans – and the entire pro-life community – to make a monetary sacrifice in 2014 that will help cover the cost of rescuing a baby from abortion.
Fisher goes on to explain, “Sometimes we just need to see in real-life terms how each of us can make a difference. The #OneLessforOneMore campaign highlights the fact that a simple sacrifice can translate into a monthly recurring gift, which can literally mean the difference between life and death for an unborn child.”
The #OneLessforOneMore campaign starts today and runs from December 16 through December 20 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While the campaign lasts for just five days, the ability to help save lives over the course of 2014 remains available here.
What about you? What will you go without in the coming year to help Online for Life rescue another life from abortion? Don’t miss this opportunity – make the commitment today to help save lives from abortion.