
‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ ordinance rejected in Doolittle, Missouri

Sanctuary City

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.  

Another city in Missouri has rejected passing a Sanctuary City for the Unborn (SCFTU) Ordinance. On Monday, February 17, the City Council of Doolittle (pop. 573) rejected the pro-life measure in a 4-1 vote. The vote made Doolittle the second Missouri municipality to reject the measure this year, following the City of Rolla (pop. 19,943) on January 21. The four Doolittle council members voting against the ordinance were: Ward 1 Alderman Tony Glacolone, Mayor Pro-Tem Kurt Zigrye, Ward 3 Alderwoman Sherry Pierce, and Ward 3 Alderman Garry DuHadway Sr. The only council member to vote in favor of the measure was Ward 2 Alderwoman Karen Harris. 

After the vote, Alderwoman Harris shared, “While I was the only vote on our city council to vote in favor of Doolittle becoming a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, I do not regret how I voted. Win or lose, it is never a mistake to vote on the side of life.”

Harris continued, “I hope we will revisit this ordinance again in the future and do our part to protect pregnant mothers and their unborn children in our community.”  

The proposed ordinance was written to require compliance with 18 U.S.C. §§ 1461–62, which prohibits the shipping or receiving of abortion-inducing drugs or abortion-related paraphernalia, and 18 U.S.C. § 1531, which prohibits the performing or the aiding or abetting of a partial-birth abortion. The ordinance would have given private citizens the ability to file a lawsuit against anyone in violation of the law. This means that if a person or organization mailed abortion-inducing drugs into the City of Doolittle, anyone would have had standing to file a lawsuit against the person or organization who sent the dangerous drugs into the community.  

The Doolittle SCFTU Ordinance was first introduced to the Doolittle City Council on January 20, 2025. The measure was introduced by Alderwoman Karen Harris. To the surprise of many in attendance, the pro-life measure was immediately met with opposition from a majority of the council. While the City Council voted 3-1 against considering the pro-life measure that night, Mayor Kory Maune saved the measure by placing the ordinance on the agenda for consideration at the next city council meeting in February. 

The Doolittle City Council considers the Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance before their city.

On Monday, February 17, 2025, the Doolittle City Council convened again to discuss the pro-life measure. Like the month before, the opposition among the rest of the council was strong. Despite this opposition, Alderwoman Karen Harris made a motion to have a first reading of the ordinance. While the motion was seconded by Alderwoman Sherry Pierce, Alderwoman Pierce joined in voting against the measure. The pro-life ordinance failed 4-1. Thinking they had to have a second-reading vote, Alderman Tony Glacolone made a motion to have a second reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Alderwoman Sherry Pierce and failed, again, 4-1. 

The vote against the ordinance was an eye-opener to many. In Doolittle, a supermajority of 68.26% (357) voted against Amendment 3, with only 31.74% (166) voting for the measure.

Weighing in on this reality, Alderwoman Harris shared,

We are a city where the majority of our voting population rejected Amendment 3. There are signs throughout our community that are still up, which read, ‘No on 3, Protect Children and Families.’ There is no reason why we should have leaders who are out-of-step with the pro-life beliefs and values of our community.

Months past the election enshrining the right to abortion into the Missouri Constitution, “No on 3” signs remain up throughout Doolittle, Missouri.

Both Alderman Tony Glacolone and Alderwoman Sherry Pierce are up for re-election in April. Time will tell if their votes on this issue will impact their re-election. A total of 70 cities and 8 counties throughout the U.S. have passed ordinances going as far as they possibly can to protect pregnant mothers and their unborn children. While ordinances have passed in Texas, Nebraska, Ohio, Louisiana, Iowa, New Mexico, and Illinois, an ordinance has yet to be passed in the State of Missouri.

Residents throughout Missouri who wish to see their city pass a Sanctuary for the Unborn ordinance are encouraged to sign the online petition.

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