Is society worse off since Roe v. Wade has been overturned? That’s the question asked in Live Action’s latest satirical video, “Dark Times.”
The video features a number of individuals who bemoan what life is like now that they no longer have unfettered access to abortion. However, while the video appears tongue-in-cheek, it’s not far from reality — sadly, many of the statements featured in the video were based on comments made by real people who have had to rethink their lifestyles now that the killing of preborn children is hindered by some state laws.
“Now that Roe v. Wade is overturned, a woman can get pregnant just from having sex,” laments one woman.
“I’m now seriously considering going down the dangerous path of abstinence until marriage,” says a man in the video.
The video continues, with individuals complaining that they must actually do things like think about the value and trustworthiness of a person before have sex with them. One woman says, “Abortion being illegal where I live has definitely raised the bar for which men I’ll date and have sex with. And that’s a terrible thing.”
The video also underscores that too many people believe that they shouldn’t have to take responsibility for their actions, and many have lost touch with the reality that the act of having sex comes with the possibility of creating a new life.
“I live in constant fear of a baby somehow making its way into my uterus,” says a woman, as if there is a way she could get pregnant without sex.
“The overturning of Roe v. Wade did this to me,” says another woman as she points to her pregnant belly. “The Supreme Court of the United States put THIS inside my body.”
The video ends with a woman suggesting a “new idea” that women and men create a “contract” promising to take care of each other as well as any children they create before they have sex. “I know it’s new, I know it’s shocking, I know it’s out there,” she says. “But that kind of contract is the only way I see us moving forward.” Of course, the woman has no idea that what she’s actually suggesting already exists — it’s called marriage.
The video satirically highlights many of the problems with today’s hookup culture. Though the abortion industry long promised abortion would be “safe, legal, and rare,” society’s response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade shows the reality — for far too long, people have been using abortion as another form of birth control. While the overturn of Roe has directly led to the saving of preborn children’s lives, it may also indirectly lead to a reduction in casual sex and greater respect for the lifelong, monogamous commitment of marriage — and that’s certainly not a bad thing.