Saturday Night Live (SNL) alum and actress Leslie Jones has published a book, “Leslie F*cking Jones: A Memoir,” in which she discussed having three abortions. An excerpt was published by Page Six, in which she claimed that a lack of sex education led to her having multiple abortions beginning when she was 18.
“All I felt was an urgency to not be pregnant. So, I had an abortion, and it was very hard,” she said. “I don’t want to say it was wrong, because to this day I would do the same thing.”
Her first abortion took place when she was 18, and dating a 27-year-old man. During the relationship, she said they did not use birth control. By her mid-20s, she said she had undergone three abortions, and by then had reportedly realized, “This is not a birth control method.”
She also said she was a frequent client at Planned Parenthood. “I still give money to them to this day,” she said. “When I went to Planned Parenthood, I finally learned how to prevent pregnancies and take care of myself. Thank God for those people and what they do.”
Planned Parenthood does provide birth control, but as has been explained by a former Planned Parenthood sex educator, the abortion giant uses birth control and sex education as a means to groom young people as future abortion customers.
“[It] Grooms them for STD treatment, and grooms them for abortion,” she said. “Teens are being given false ideas that condoms will cover all the bases… They do tell them to get tested and treated – which means coming back to the clinic – and if they are pregnant they are encouraged to get an abortion.”
Former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Treviño likewise said that for Planned Parenthood, birth control and abortion are “two sides of the same coin.”
“The more people use birth control and adopt a contraceptive mentality, the higher the odds that they’ll seek an abortion,” she explained. “Because, let’s face it, if they’re using birth control, a child is not part of the ‘plan.’ Abortion is the backup, so to speak, for contraceptive failure, misuse, or lack of self-control.”
Jones has been an outspoken abortion advocate for a number of years. In the 2019 SNL season finale, she wore the handmaid costume from “The Handmaid’s Tale,” which has been adopted by abortion advocates in recent years. In the 1985 novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” and its Hulu adaptation, handmaids are fertile women forced into sexual slavery to bear children for wealthy, powerful men — far more reminiscent of the pro-surrogacy/reproductive technologies movement than anything resembling the pro-life movement. Handmaids have a required uniform of red cloaks and a white bonnet.
“Basically, we’re all handmaids now!” she said. When “Weekend Update” co-host Colin Jost said he didn’t think society was that bad yet, she pushed back. “You would think that, right? You would really think that,” she said. “But this is how it starts. I’m out living my life, and then I see on the news a bunch of states are trying to ban abortion and tell me what I can and can’t do with my body.”
She then put up a picture of the senators who voted for an Alabama law protecting preborn children from abortion, saying, “This look like the casting call of a Lipitor commercial,” she said. “This look like the mug shots of everyone arrested at a massage parlor. And if any of them had lips, I would tell them to kiss my entire a**. You can’t control women. You can’t control women because I don’t know if y’all heard, but women are the same as humans.”
Jones continued, “Why do all of these weird-a** men care about what women choose to do with their bodies anyway?”
The problem is, abortion doesn’t involve solely a woman’s body. In every abortion, an innocent preborn life is taken — a life created by both a biological male and female. These are humans too, though preborn children are small, vulnerable, and reliant upon their mothers for survival — which is why abortion is a grave injustice.