This Saturday, November 10, 2018, representatives from 12 pro-life organizations will present an online summit on how pro-lifers can become more effective at helping pregnant college students. The Save Lives U seminar will be held from 1-4 p.m. EST, and is completely free of charge. Those who register will also have access to free, recorded replays of all the seminar sessions. Register and find out more on the event, speakers, and topics included in the seminar here.
David Bereit — founder of 40 Days for Life — is the host, and the seminar will feature Live Action founder and president Lila Rose, along with Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Peggy Hartshorn of Heartbeat International, Jeanne Mancini of the March for Life, Josh Brahm of the Equal Rights Institute, Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None, and others.
The event’s website states:
College age students account for nearly half of those who choose abortion, and Planned Parenthood places 79 percent of its facilities within 5 miles of college campuses.
Through genuine friendships, empathetic listening, careful communication, loving care, and local resources, you can meet students where they are, and help in their time of need.
By the end of SaveLivesU, you’ll know exactly how God can use you to save lives, heal wounds, and impact eternal souls while building a culture of love and life on campus.
The seminar will offer “step-by-step training on how to identify a student facing an unexpected pregnancy, and learn what to say and do to provide compassionate help and connect her with life-saving resources.”
Join the 500+ other registrants and REGISTER TODAY to get training on how to be more effective at reaching and giving life-affirming support to college students experiencing unplanned pregnancies.