A Planned Parenthood sex education program that was put on hold last October in Cumberland County, North Carolina, is on its way to being put to death in the school system. The Cumberland County school board’s Curriculum Committee decided against the curriculum at its meeting Tuesday. The final vote will come February 13 from the board itself.
The Get Real curriculum, from the nation’s abortion corporation, is targeted for sixth through eighth grade, which would be children as young as 11 up until about age 14. Parents protested it last year, as WRAL reported in October:
“I don’t need somebody else teaching my kids, as they put it in there, ‘the myths and facts about your sexuality.’ That’s something the parents need to do,” parent Nick Quello said. “I just don’t think that’s appropriate for a 12-year-old, whether it be a boy or a girl, to be teaching them that.”
Quello and other parents expressed concern about some of the language and items used to teach the course, such as discussions on sexual preference and demonstrations of how to use a condom. They’re also concerned that it comes from Planned Parenthood.
Interim Superintendent Tim Kinlaw paused the program’s implementation after the protests last fall and after a committee of three middle school teachers and three community members reviewed the curriculum, the Fayettville Observer reported this week:
The school board’s Curriculum Committee decided to end the Get Real program after getting the reviewing committee’s recommendations. The school system will go back to using a program that the school system had been using since 2009, while increasing the involvement from parents and adding specific scripts for teachers to use while presenting the information.
ABC News 11 reported on parent Judy Cannady’s issue with the curriculum:
We don’t want our children to be taught there are various ways to have sex. We don’t want them being taught that sex is appropriate.
And another parent, Rob Wingo, the Fayetteville Observer reported, protested the implementation, saying, “It’s morally, ethically and spiritually wrong on all accounts.”
READ: Washington schools remove Planned Parenthood sex education from agenda
ABC News 11 notes, “Content has been the main controversy. The program’s curriculum deals with sexual identity, abstinence and sexually transmitted diseases, but program advocates say it was never to the point of encouraging students to have sex.” But the approximately 45 people who came to the meeting to protest, some standing with signs at the main entrance, and others standing with signs at the staff entrance, disagreed. This table of contents of the entire middle school curriculum shows some of the topics parents may find troubling, such as lesson 7-1 on exploring sexual identity and lesson 7-5, which says, “The lesson concludes with a discussion of what dating means and the kinds of dating activities seventh graders can safely enjoy.” Lesson 7-8 actually explores abortifacients when it covers pregnancy and STD protection methods, adding, “They also review how hormonal contraceptive methods work and the different forms of emergency contraception.”
Emergency contraception methods recommended by Planned Parenthood include the copper IUD, Plan B, and Ella. All these methods of “birth control” actually will expel a developing zygote (human being) immediately after the pregnancy has begun; thus, they kill a preborn baby. The abortion giant even says that taking a morning after pill frequently is fine: “[I]t’s totally safe to take the morning-after pill as many times as you need to — it’s just not the best way to prevent unintended pregnancies long-term.”
Thankfully the parents of Cumberland County will likely have a reprieve from Planned Parenthood invading their children’s lives. The full school board will vote on the decision next week, and it is expected to expel Planned Parenthood from the district.