Recently, The New York Times decided to publicize what pro-lifers have known for years: healthy babies are being aborted due to prenatal...
Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) provide a lifeline for pregnant women in dire situations, offering free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, baby supplies, parenting classes,...
Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings has announced that she will sue the city of Seaford after it passed an ordinance requiring the...
A newborn baby girl abandoned in Russia on a frigid night of -4 degrees Fahrenheit was saved by two teenage boys who...
According to the Mirror, Carole Horlock is “the world’s most prolific surrogate.” She has had 13 babies for other people — many...
In December of 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law a bill mandating the burial or cremation of the remains of...
Premature babies, or “preemies,” are constantly proving that life begins well before birth. A recent Twitter thread started by Dr. Jennifer Sedler...
Surrogacy has become increasingly accepted around the world, and developing countries have become hotspots for wealthy couples looking to purchase children along...
An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times written by Wendy Z Goldman, “What the U.S. can learn from Stalin’s abortion ban,” is a...
Over 100,000 unique human beings are killed in second and third trimester abortions each year — nearly 274 babies each day and...
A premature baby born at home and later declared stillborn was shockingly discovered to be alive hours later by the funeral director....
The new year has brought a new abortion restriction to the state of New Hampshire. The Fetal Life Protection Act went into...
In celebration of their prematurely born daughter’s 10th birthday this year, one Iowa family delivered hand-knitted hats to the hospital. Joanna Strong...
The political website FiveThirtyEight sent out a Christmas Day tweet asking for followers to share their abortion stories from the last 10 years....