A stunning image of a baby boy, miscarried at 12 weeks gestation, is powerfully changing hearts and minds about abortion. Last year,...
They were told to prepare for him to die within 72 hours. Now he’s thriving. His name means “gift of God” and...
(LifeSiteNews) Jessica Smith had always thought of herself as a seasoned pro-lifer. But the 29-year-old married mother was totally unprepared for the shock...
(Newsbusters) It’s time to give them back. Planned Parenthood understands that, faced with the reality of what it does, the American public...
Earlier this year, a federal ban on abortions after 20 weeks (the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act) passed the House of Representatives, 242 to...
Over the past two decades, doctors have made significant progress in saving the earliest premature babies, according to a report issued Tuesday...
In light of all the abortion laws and some states pushing for the cut-off to be 24 weeks, I have decided to...
Earlier this month, Jeannie DeAngelis wrote about a little guy named Trevor Frolek. Delivered at just 23 weeks, Trevor was so small that his...
The story of former “micropreemie” Trevor Frolek couldn’t come at a more awkward time for Planned Parenthood. Currently, the largest abortion provider...
Perhaps no 13-week-old baby has touched the world like Nathan Isaiah (you can read the original story here). His family chose to share...
Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion-on-demand across the country, stemmed out of Texas. Now, the nation’s highest court...
(Ndolo Family Blog) At first, I hadn’t planned on sharing Celeste’s story. At least not publicly. As the days have gone on, though, my...
In the wake of the U.S. House’s passage of the abortion ban at 20 weeks, abortion advocates are calling something “cruel” and...
Natasha was completely shocked to find out she was pregnant. The mother of four from Massachusetts was still nursing her youngest son...