Today, it was revealed that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is contracting with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) — a fetal...
(Save The 1) I am a person like anyone else. I am a lawyer, a National Public Accountant and an adult education...
As Argentina’s Senate prepares for a vote that could greatly expand legal abortion in the strongly pro-life country, several hundred doctors continue...
Children diagnosed prenatally with disabilities and conditions like Trisomy 18, or Edward’s syndrome, are marked for death by abortion. Misinformation has been...
Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey have shaped the abortion laws in the United States for decades. While polls...
In light of the conversation around Roe v. Wade — which overruled all state laws restricting abortion in 1973 — the abortion industry and...
Abortion advocates frequently try to deny preborn children of their own humanity, often referring to these babies as “clumps of cells,” mere...
Modern feminists claim that women need abortion to be legal as a matter of “choice.” Women should be able to choose when...
(Life Defenders) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is the sequel to the, according to Wesley Morris of the New York Times, ‘wackadoo...
The pro-abortion media has been attacking the abortion pill reversal process — which has saved hundred of preborn children’s lives — for...
To celebrate the new millennium back in the year 2000, the Republic of Croatia minted a coin featuring the image of a...
Live Action News has previously documented that later abortions are much more common than the public is led to believe. Now, a Live...
In recent weeks, Live Action released a new investigative report and a seven part docuseries, revealing Planned Parenthood’s decades-long pattern of helping child sex...
Saturday, Chip and Joanna Gaines, stars of the HGTV show “Fixer Upper,” announced the birth of their baby boy, Crew Gaines. The...