In 2014, Swedish midwife Ellinor Grimmark had completed her training and was ready to start working to help women give birth. She...
At five weeks gestation, Victor and I were so excited and happy to find out we were expecting a new little one...
An adorable six-year-old girl is brightening up the world around her thanks to her parents’ refusal to abort her. Chelsea and Curtis...
At the Daily Caller, Janet Morana of Priests for Life wrote this week that while the Centers for Disease Control reported in late...
Live Action recently released videos of former Planned Parenthood workers describing how they saw torn apart bodies of aborted babies in the facilities...
According to Operation Rescue, Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, the only abortion facility in the state of Missouri, has transported its 64th...
Ashley Glass’s son Dylan was born at just 23 weeks gestation, and although children born this prematurely have an 18 percent greater chance of...
One Planned Parenthood abortionist would talk to dismembered body parts like they were live children as he sifted through them Videos at...
Baby Scott wasn’t expected to exit his mother’s womb alive. One doctor even suggested that an early death would be the best...
In February of 2013 in Denmark, a group of volunteers began what is known as The Octo Project. They crochet adorable octopi...
Husband, father, and ESPN writer Royce Young recently posted a photo of his pregnant wife, Keri, on Facebook that has been shared...
On February 21, 2017, former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson shared the story of a woman who went to Planned Parenthood and was deceived...
Huffington Post Associate Women’s Editor Jenavieve Hatch is baffled. But as is often the case when abortion advocates attack pro-lifers, what she identifies...
Little Daisy Salter was born at 23 weeks and two days gestation, making it just beyond the window of survival by a...