When discussing abortion, terms like “body ownership” and “bodily autonomy” often come up. Recently, I heard someone cite them to explain why...
Cecile Richards, along with Planned Parenthood, endorsed Hillary Clinton in the primaries, prior to the general election season — a first for...
(Save the 1) There are so many important things I would like to share about our story. The journey we went through...
In an effort to stoke pro-abortion fears about the pro-life policies Donald Trump and Mike Pence would implement if they are elected...
Inside the doors, a picture hangs on the wall. The man in the photo is Dr. George Tiller, the infamous abortionist who...
I recently stumbled across a woman’s abortion story posted on the pro-choice website Feminizing in 2010. When the writer became pregnant, she and her partner...
In part two of our series on medical information safety at abortion facilities, Live Action News looks into reported data breaches of...
With over 58 million American lives lost to abortion since its legalization in 1973, countless people from our workplaces, families, and schools are missing. However, stories...
The fact-checking website PolitiFact has a troubled accuracy record in covering abortion stories, but on Tuesday it accurately chastised Planned Parenthood Votes...
Last summer, as the Planned Parenthood videos were unfolding, Addison recognized the abortion facility in one of the videos and relived her...
Most expecting parents look forward to their baby’s birth. They eagerly await each ultrasound, cherish the little kicks, marvel at their child’s...
In the German city of Witten, baby Emilia Grabarczyk was delivered prematurely in the 26th week of pregnancy via Caesarian section. Her entire foot...
Born at 27 weeks, Nathaniel was not expected to live. Now he’s about to turn one and is inviting the masses to...
Five years after the birth of his son Arlo, a father has paid tribute to his son through a video released on...