The Summer Olympics are currently in full swing, with the entire world watching as the best athletes compete in Rio de Janeiro....
A troubling new poll from Harvard University shows that a majority of Americans are willing to support abortion after 24 weeks, when...
Prenatal testings and screenings can be great tools when used appropriately. They can help doctors assess potential health care issues and make a...
The abortion industry is built on lies—lies to the general public, lies to women, lies to students, lies to the government, and...
(Save the 1) Confused. Upset. Scared. Angry. These were my feelings when the high risk doctor from Riverside Hospital’s Maternal Fetal Medicine...
(The Daily Signal) Planned Parenthood’s virtual reality exhibit promoting access to abortion at the Democratic National Convention doesn’t depict reality, pro-life groups...
While many people may believe that abortion should be legal — albeit under limited circumstances — it doesn’t change how they feel...
Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine continued to send mixed messages regarding his stance on taxpayer funding for abortion in his latest interview...
Occasionally, people send me comments they’ve seen and ask for my thoughts. Sometimes crafting a response isn’t easy. That wasn’t the case...
(The Daily Signal) The American Medical Association is sticking by its influential report asserting that unborn babies cannot feel pain at 20 weeks,...
A pro-life mom recently shared an ultrasound image of one of her babies with Live Action News on Facebook. In the image,...
It seems that so-called “pro-choicers” will never learn to appreciate that other people have choices too. At ThinkProgress, Alex Zielinski frets that...
Dallan Cloward was born with a rare chromosomal disorder called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, which affects facial appearance, growth and development, and intellectual disabilities....
I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months’ gestation....