Joey Papa and his wife, Nikki, could never have predicted how much their fourth child would change their lives. Their daughter, Canaan,...
In a heartbreaking announcement on his Facebook page, celebrity chef and television host Gordon Ramsay shared the loss of his son through...
In July 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released explosive undercover footage showing Planned Parenthood officials bartering over the organs and body parts of aborted...
(Pregnancy Help News) The fate of free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment is now in the hands of the 9th...
Hungary’s abortion rate has fallen a dramatic 22.9% from 2010 to 2015, deputy state secretary for family and demographic policy Tünde Fűrész...
A recent Facebook trend was a welcome sight for many frustrated pro-lifers who continue to wait upon Congress to pass protections for preborn babies. Senator...
Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series investigating the lies, cover-ups, and abuses inside Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain....
Republican Congresswoman Renee Ellmers lost her primary this week to primary challenger George Holding, who pledges to be a more reliable pro-life...
(Save the 1) When I was born I had a rough start. I was having seizures, fluid on the brain and my...
On Monday, we covered Louisiana lawmakers’ disturbing move to undermine legislation that would have banned abortions sought due to a child’s genetic...
Congressman George Holding defeated Congresswoman Renee Ellmers in Tuesday’s Republican primary for South Carolina’s 2nd District congressional primary, a race a number...
By now, pro-lifers are familiar with Carafem, the abortion facility that compares itself to a “spa.” Carafem’s goal is to “normalize” abortion, and...
In Roe v. Wade, it was held that abortion is protected by “the right of privacy.” What does the Constitution say about...
The latest pro-life bill awaiting Louisiana pro-life Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards’ signature would ban abortions sought because a preborn child has...