Here is a list of 40 quotes from medical experts and medical textbooks that prove human life begins at fertilization. “The life...
Pro-choice author Carole Joffe interviewed abortion facility workers from several different clinics for her book The Regulation of Sexuality: Experiences of Family-Planning Workers....
A new study appearing in the latest issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology finds that abortion comes with a...
It’s no secret that the earliest feminists were pro-life. Perhaps, it is more specific to note that they were anti-abortion. Women like Susan B....
I am an introvert. Introverts crave alone time, value their boundaries, and gain energy from solitude. I feel immense joy when I...
While debate rages about aborting those diagnosed with Down syndrome in utero, those who are living with it continue to inspire in...
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics just released a new study that shows that medical advances continue to make...
We often hear that there are cases in which abortion should absolutely be an option – situations that are so emotionally difficult...
Gov. Nikki Haley has signed a bill banning abortions in South Carolina after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Last week, the South Carolina...
Included: Man-on-the-street interviews showing reactions to the video ARLINGTON, VA (May 24, 2016) — A new four-minute viral video is causing over...
Abortion advocates claim there is a war on women in the United States. They oppose laws requiring abortion facilities to be held to the same standards...
The legislatures of Utah and South Carolina recently passed bills concerning abortions at 20 weeks after fertilization. This is the stage of...
Newly released 911 tapes have confirmed that a baby was born alive at an abortion facility in Phoenix, Arizona. An abortion worker called 911,...
(Pregnancy Help News) Wrapping up a medical residency, most doctors are focused on establishing themselves in their chosen field, joining a practice...