A training manual on abortion tells doctors and clinicians to avoid using the word “baby” and suggests substituting “fetus” or “pregnancy instead....
Chris and Natalie McCrone were excited to learn they would be adding twins to their family of four, but at 12 weeks...
Americans learned a lot of terrible things about Planned Parenthood this year, but these five just might take the cake. When it...
Abortion facilities have a long and shameful history of lying to abortion-minded women about the development of their preborn babies. One post-abortive woman...
Just weeks after learning she was pregnant, Amanda Bernier was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease....
At 21 weeks gestation, Sarah Hynes learned that her preborn son, Seán, had Edward’s syndrome, or Trisomy 18. Hynes had never heard...
(Newsbusters) One women’s magazine is hyperventilating over the fact that an image of a fetus actually looks like… a baby. Writing for Elle...
Despite the fact that abortion facilities are being closed for unsafe conditions, that women are being rushed out of Planned Parenthood and other...
(LifeSiteNews) — Charity Tanner woke up in the middle of the night realizing that something was dreadfully wrong. She was beginning to...
Remember Kurt Eichenwald? In 2013, we eviscerated a hit piece by the Vanity Fair writer that tried to argue his wife’s battle...
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains graphic photos of violence below . A woman whose job includes examining aborted babies has taken pictures of some...
Here are 10 reasons why a civilized nation that cares about the rights of women and children ought to support the permanent...
Less than a month after surrogate mother Melissa Cook went public about the pressure she was receiving to abort one of the...
Recently, columnist Robyn Urback asked, “What responsibility, if any, should GOP candidates shoulder for the Planned Parenthood attack?” Urback devoted eleven paragraphs...