Pink ribbons everywhere—we saw it only weeks ago when Breast Cancer Awareness Month concluded. It’s an eye-catching symbol, particularly for cancer survivors....
Donald Trump wasn’t too popular on The View a couple months back. Trump had disparaged Republican rival Carly Fiorina’s appearance, and Joy Behar...
As America reeled from the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts, so did many citizens of...
In today’s society, if you’re female, you’re expected to be in favor of abortion. You’re practically an outcast if you confess your...
This beautiful photograph of abortion survivor, Claire Culwell, and her birth mother was reportedly seen on Facebook by more than 200,000 people...
(Newsbusters) It’s becoming a trend. The three broadcast networks didn’t even hint at the latest Planned Parenthood video released by the Center...
Three years ago today, a young woman had an abortion. Before she laid down on the cold, hard table, she named her...
Cindy was reeling. She had just found out she was pregnant. She was going to have a baby—one that she did not...
In one of the recently leaked videos shot by the Center for Medical Progress at a National Abortion Federation conference, an abortionist...
A few weeks ago, women proud of destroying their unborn children started a #ShoutYourAbortion campaign on Twitter. The goal of the hashtag...
In a video secretly recorded at a National Abortion Federation Conference by the Center for Medical Progress and leaked to by a...
On October 22, Live Action published a response to RH Reality Check’s “The Day I Learned Aborted Fetuses Aren’t People,” an article...
Patricia Launneborg’s book Abortion: a Positive Decision may be one of the most blatantly pro-abortion books ever written. She champions abortion, describing...
I remember so vividly the day I found out I was pregnant. Though I thought there was no way I was pregnant,...