When the major news networks feel that the release of a beanie baby is a more pressing story than the release of multiple...
Recently on TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said, “Women trust Planned Parenthood.” But as the saying goes, if you have to tell...
Alliance Defending Freedom reports that disgust for Planned Parenthood’s fetal organ harvesting activities has gone international. European Parliament member Miroslav Mikolášik has...
Last night’s 2016 Republican primary debates showcased some stirring defenses of life from Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, and...
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains video footage and screenshots of body parts of second trimester babies aborted at Planned Parenthood that many may...
The Center for Medical Progress has released the fifth video in its blockbuster investigation exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby parts trafficking scheme. Today’s video...
Amid all the horror of the videos on Planned Parenthood, there is a glimpse of light. Some women walk out. Some women...
As the undercover videos from the Center of Medical Progress have come out, I’ve heard some disheartening remarks about them online. One of the statements...
A striking feature in all three undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress is the callous way in which abortion...
(JillStanek.com) Well, isn’t this rich. Politico is reporting that Planned Parenthood has hired crisis management firm SKDKnickerbocker “as it scrambles to deal with...
If things were looking bad for Planned Parenthood a couple of weeks ago, they’ve reached catastrophic levels now. With the release of...
(JillStanek.com) As someone on Twitter noted, “Each video just gets worse and worse.” The latest video release from The Center for Medical...
CONTENT WARNING: This article contains screenshots below of Planned Parenthood staff pulling out body parts such as kidney and spinal structure from...
How does a person who pledges to “first, do no harm” justify actively taking a person’s life on a regular basis? How...