Father Stephen Imbarrato, a regular guest on Catholic television network EWTN (according to Life Site News), along with two other pro-life activists,...
A study from University College London examined how movements like kicking in the womb develop preborn babies’ brains. Mothers can feel their...
News from a Planned Parenthood facility in Idaho further demonstrates that Americans do not want to access basic health services from the largest...
Born weighing just one pound, four ounces, at Nassau University Medical Center on Long Island, Hannah Bella Rodriguez has made leaps and...
Though abortions in the late second and third trimester are more rare than those in the first trimester, they are still legal...
On FOX News’ Election Special segment featuring conservative commentator and lawyer Ben Shapiro, the confirmation of newly-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh...
New Jersey women are a little safer today, since an appeals court decided to uphold the medical license revocation of notorious abortionist...
“He’s very outgoing, he’s spunky, he’s got a great personality.” These are the words of Whitney Dinkel, mother of two-year-old Roman, born...
According to new data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 766 preborn children survived abortion attempts on their lives over the...
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart is unfortunately still committing abortions — and that means he’s not only killing viable children, but injuring...
At the Children’s Colorado Foundation, pediatric intensive care nurse Becca Kalivas shares the story of her son, Oliver, whom she calls “my hero.” After...
It’s not likely you’ll hear about this in any mainstream news, but a New York abortionist, Robert Rho, is currently on trial...
When premature baby Hailie Dillon was born, her mother said she looked like a red alien. Cheri Price lost her mucus plug...
An Italian baby survived an abortion and was left for dead, raising concerns about the conduct of the hospital staff. The baby’s mother...