Viewers expressed shock, sadness, and outrage after watching Live Action’s “What is Human?” undercover video, which details horrors within America’s late-term abortion industry....
Before you meet these three beautiful babies, there are three notable things they have in common: 1) They could have been aborted....
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...
At the start of May, Charles and his wife Ashley received a phone call that forever changed their lives. They were told...
When you hear the word “fetus,” I think a lot of people think it is just a blob of cells, or a...
Remember abortionist Curtis Boyd, who admitted freely that his late-term abortions are killing people? Boyd is a former ordained Baptist minister, but...
Earlier this month, the L.A. Times reported on a rare cardiac surgery which was performed on a 25-week-old fetus in utero. The procedure —...
On June 27, 2013, Live Action ran a story about late-term abortionist Shelley Sella and the allegations of infanticide leveled against her...
Ending the "baby holocaust" in America.
"Those are not radical requirements; those are reasonable requirements."
During the breaking “Inhuman” investigation, Live Action investigated the Washington Surgi-Clinic where Cesare Santangelo performs late-term abortions in Washington, D.C. Santangelo revealed...
Live Action will be holding a “Stop the Killing” rally on Wednesday, May 1st. The rally will be held in front of...
These lapses of logic are getting people killed.
Paving the way to truly equal protection.