In February, the BBC released its investigation into 57 pro-life pregnancy centers in the UK and the support they offer to women facing unplanned...
British author Penelope Anne Watson wrote about her 44-year-long struggle with emotional trauma and mental illness after her abortion, which she calls...
Seven anti-abortion activists were arrested and released Thursday in Washington, D.C. as they protested outside of the Rayburn U.S. House of Representatives...
OB/GYN Kristin Lyerly tweeted a claim that miscarriage is the same as abortion. She says doctors who use the word “miscarriage” instead...
Time magazine recently shared a portion of a new memoir from Paris Hilton, titled “Paris: The Memoir,” which delves into the decisions she’s...
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon allowed a pro-life law to go into effect without his signature on Friday, the same day he signed...
Pro-life activists this week are remembering the first anniversary of the gruesome and shocking discovery of the aborted remains of over 100...
Following one woman’s announcement that she had to “escape” from Texas to undergo an abortion in California in order to end the...
Most abortions are committed in the first trimester, and even some ‘pro-life’ individuals will justify this by claiming that since the child...
During abortion debates in Minnesota earlier this year, the issue of abortions taking place late in pregnancy was mentioned. One doctor, a...
Imani Gandy, an editor at the radically pro-abortion outlet Rewire News, offered tips this week on how people can apparently be “righteous...
It was during her 23-week pregnancy appointment that Deborah Dorbert of Florida was first alerted that her preborn child might have a health...
The head of a pregnancy resource center (PRC) in Arizona is asking the state to overturn an injunction on a pro-life law...
Canadian twins who were born a whopping 126 days early — at just 22 weeks — have earned a new spot in...