In a memoir released this year, Christine Henneberg discusses her career as an abortionist. In the book, she says that a picture...
Live Action’s satirical video “Pro-Choice Bosses” series made a significant impression on viewers last week for the spot-on accuracy of how pro-abortion...
Since 1973, the Guttmacher Institute has counted 12.2 million more abortions beyond the published totals reported by the Centers for Disease Control...
(Right to Life UK) Dr. Simon Snook, an owner of abortion clinics in New Zealand, has boasted about ending the lives of...
Landlords at a property in Bristol, Virginia, are suing to terminate the lease of their new tenant after they discovered that they...
A landmark ruling last week by the High Court of Delhi, India, was a striking blow to the protection of preborn children...
A student at the University of Derby in England says she was suspended because she brought her breastfeeding infant to classes. Leah...
Tennessee lawmakers are mobilizing to add exceptions to the state’s trigger law, which protects preborn children from abortion. One senator mentioned the...
A Maryland man has been charged with three homicides after he murdered his own girlfriend, who was pregnant, as well as a...
The declining number of surgical abortion facilities is no secret — it’s been happening for over a decade. But as more of...
Actor and anti-child sexual exploitation activist Ashton Kutcher took part in his first interview alongside his twin brother Michael this month for...
When Roe v. Wade was overturned on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court decision affected the United States as well as the...
Two separate pro-abortion groups have announced that they will campaign to make abortion a “right” in the Ohio state constitution. The first...
A unanimous ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is paving the way for a law banning pro-life advocacy near...