I wish I was making this up: The Department of Justice is now prosecuting a 79-year-old grandfather. The reason: Richard Retta walks...
Talk about being scared of the “competition”: Google ads rely on the terms users enter to determine what ads appear on the...
The current American political climate is often characterized with two words-partisan politics. This phrase carries a lot of negativity with it, maybe...
After supporting abortion my entire life and working in an abortion clinic for years, my Ah-HA moment seemed to come from an...
Hello, my name is Shiloh Kauk, and I am excited to be interning with Live Action this summer. The truth about the...
A new report (.pdf) released by Right to Know Campaign indicates that abortion providers in the UK have financial motivation to influence...
“America you are beautiful… and blessed… the ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially...
The New York Times published an interesting piece by Emily Bazelon yesterday. Bazelon is actually the pro-abortion journalist whose 2009 interview with...
On March 22, during her MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow said, “In South Dakota today, Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard signed the nation’s most...
Pollsters Rasmussen Reports national survey of American adults finds: On the issue of abortion, 42% of Americans consider themselves pro-choice, while 44%...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lila Rose And Pro-Life Women Speak Out To Defund Planned Parenthood Contact: Kate Bryan, media@liveaction.org, (323) 454-3304 DES MOINES,...
After exposing Planned Parenthood’s willingness to cover up the statutory rape and sexual abuse of young girls with The Mona Lisa Project,...
NARAL has posted a “quiz” on its website, here, that attempts to “inform” the user on the problems of crisis pregnancy centers...
Last week I posted about how abortion-free Ireland has the lowest maternal death rate in the world. Kathleen Reeves of the anti-life...