The recent increase in pro-abortion attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers highlights a major problem that exists within the abortion industry: lack of...
A British woman is claiming that the abortion giant MSI Reproductive Choices UK (formerly known as Marie Stopes International) misrepresented her claims...
At the tail end of the legislative session last week, Oregon’s House and Senate both voted to pass a bill targeting Catholic...
(National Review) Last week, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked key provisions of a pro-life statute in Missouri, including the portion of...
The Women’s Pavilion in South Bend, Indiana, was the workplace of the infamous abortionist Dr. Ulrich “George” Klopfer. After his death in...
The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) of 2021, hailed by abortion supporters as the bill that will ensure equal access to abortion for...
A Toledo, Ohio, pro-life group is taking a creative approach to the city’s anticipated ban on sidewalk counseling. Catholic News Agency reports...
Pro-lifers in the Seattle area secured a win for freedom of speech last week. A May 11, 2021, letter from the Thomas More...
On Tuesday, May 10, Washington Monthly published an opinion piece by Emily Crockett entitled, “Why Biden Needs to Go Big on Abortion.”...
In a video released by March for Life UK, a post-abortive woman named Natalia recalled how she became pregnant at age 20. She and...
The “No Public Funds For Abortion Act” (H.B. 220) was signed into law by Republican Governor Brad Little of Idaho on Monday,...
Mother’s Day is about celebrating mothers — women who have made great sacrifices to carry their children, birth them, place them with...
A New York legal case reported on by Live Action News in 2019, which has implications for sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors outside...
On March 31, 2020, after years of aggressive campaigning by abortion advocates, significant changes to abortion laws in Northern Ireland took effect,...