In October of 2015, former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson shared the story of an abortion worker who quit. The worker decided...
Mississippi is one state that has made great gains towards protecting both preborn babies and women. In March, the state offically banned...
Abortion is so inherently and totally destructive that it takes an emotional toll on everyone involved. Even those who participate in the...
This article is part four of a series on the history of Planned Parenthood. Read parts one, two, and three. While Planned...
According to certain activists, women need abortion. They need it so they can go to college or keep their jobs. They need...
I found out I was pregnant in September of 2015. It was a Sunday night when I took the test, but I...
“I was told that my baby was not really a live baby, but that it was only a blob of flesh, and...
This article is part of a series on the history of Planned Parenthood. Read parts one, two, and four. In reviewing the...
(The Daily Signal) Kelly Clemente found out she was pregnant when she was 18. She had just finished her first semester of college,...
It’s not uncommon to hear people explain that they are pro-life and really want to help stop abortion, but they just don’t...
Jessica Hughes, 30, is a paralegal student living outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. She’s the Communications Coordinator for Concerned Women of America, a social...
(LifeSiteNews) Pro-life advocates are criticizing a new paper claiming that abortion is so overwhelmingly “safe” that abortion-specific regulations in many states are “unnecessary.”...
Former Planned Parenthood workers have sometimes admitted that they lied to pregnant women about fetal development. For example, former abortion worker Catherine...
Since Roe v. Wade, more than 60 million preborn babies have died in abortions. These 60 million people were daughters, sons, grandchildren,...