Abortion facilities have a long and shameful history of lying to abortion-minded women about the development of their preborn babies. One post-abortive woman...
Often, pro-abortion legislative tactics resemble nothing so much as a child’s temper tantrum. Today’s example: a South Carolina state politician is proposing...
In the book Life at All Costs: An Anthology of Voices from 21st-Century Black Pro-Life Leaders, former Planned Parenthood patient Tegra Little...
Jill has relentlessly worked to save lives for years. But the very first life she saved was the life of her own...
A pro-choice researcher wrote about how the term “baby” is dreaded in abortion clinics. Feminist author Wendy Simonds interviewed abortion industry workers for her...
Pro-choice author Carole Joffe interviewed abortion industry workers for her book The Regulation of Sexuality: Experiences of Family-Planning Workers. Although many of the clinic...
“Scandal” is one of ABC’s hottest shows. The show revolves around “fixer” Olivia Pope (played by actress Kerry Washington, who publicly supports...
Pink ribbons everywhere—we saw it only weeks ago when Breast Cancer Awareness Month concluded. It’s an eye-catching symbol, particularly for cancer survivors....
In the book Bad Choices: A Look inside Planned Parenthood, former Planned Parenthood worker Lavonne Wilenken describes coercive and biased counseling given...
Pro-Life Action League is declaring victory in its 27-year battle to close down the Chicago abortion facility, Albany Medical-Surgical Center. The facility finally...
The American pro-life pregnancy help group Stanton Healthcare is opening a facility in Belfast, Ireland, on the same street as a Marie...
News recently broke of a traveling abortionist who was arrested during a South Carolina drug bust. He and a partner, allegedly his wife,...
An Australian woman, identified as Genevieve, went to an abortion clinic still unsure about having an abortion. Driven to the point of...
California has successfully removed the right to choose – from pro-lifers. On Friday, pro-abortion Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that requires even...