At Think Progress, Alex Zielinski has written a glowing report on clergy’s efforts to “bless” an Ohio abortion clinic – more than a bit...
Summit Women’s Center, a Connecticut abortion facility that has been open since 1975, has closed down. Pro-lifers with Operation Save America estimate that...
I had to fill out a form. On it you check the boxes of things you are willing to consider. The options...
Today, the U.S. Senate voted on S1553, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy,...
The book Bad Choices: A Look inside Planned Parenthood by pro-life writer and researcher Douglas R. Scott has a great deal of...
Silent No More is an organization that compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions. In July they released a collection...
In my research over the past few weeks, I’ve learned something surprising about the abortion-breast cancer link. Many of the big named cancer...
The pro-life group Silent No More, which compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, has released a document containing women’s...
Pro-life writer Phoebe Lee did research on Planned Parenthood for her book Casualties of Indulgence: from Life to Aborted. She wrote about...
Silent No More collected the testimonies of women who visited Planned Parenthood and suffered as a result. These women are now speaking out...
Silent No More has collected the testimonies of women who had abortions at Planned Parenthood but now want Planned Parenthood to be...
How does a person who pledges to “first, do no harm” justify actively taking a person’s life on a regular basis? How...
Observers at the South Bend abortion facility have noticed increasingly odd behavior on the part of abortionist Dr. Klopfer’s clinic escorts. (Live...
As we begin the second half of 2015, some pro-lifers may be discouraged by recent judicial intervention that allows abortion facilities to remain open,...