These days, one of the most dangerous places to be pro-life is California. The Golden State has mandated churches to cover abortion, and is...
A teenager facing an unplanned pregnancy is very likely facing what will be the most stressful time in her life. A teenager...
Students for Life of America sends groups to college campuses around the nation. These groups educate students about the true work of...
From clinic owner and administrator Merle Hoffman, on counseling women for their abortions: “Choice” is sometimes not a choice at all. It...
1) Down Syndrome: Noah David Smith According to Dr. Brian Skotko, a pediatric geneticist, over 90 percent of babies diagnosed with Down...
Students for Life of America recently shared a video that was taken at a Planned Parenthood Project display at the University of Missouri-St....
Claiming that since everyone sins, no one should judge her work in an abortion clinic, a Baptist pastor’s wife in Montgomery, AL...
Some pro-life groups have been focusing efforts on banning a late-term abortion procedure called the D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) abortion. In this...
How young is too young for kids to debate abortion? Edmond, Oklahoma is grappling with the question after some students came home with a...
Earlier this month, published an exclusive piece revealing that the Montgomery County Council was in league with NARAL Pro-Choice America to...
In book on postabortion regret by Melinda Tankard Reist , an Australian woman identified as Genevieve describes the “counseling” she received in...
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...
The recent news that the number of states considered hostile to abortion has “skyrocketed” since the year 2000 has been hailed as...
When the Hobby Lobby case was decided last summer, the abortion industry raged because it knew that the decision by the Supreme...