The University of California, San Francisco is offering a new online course called Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications. Because, according...
An anonymous story on XoJane relates the account of a married college student who was “too poor for an abortion.” She writes...
Sidewalk counselors around the country celebrated the 9-0 Supreme Court ruling striking down an anti-sidewalk counseling buffer zone law enacted in Massachusetts...
The recent documentary “After Tiller” portrayed late-term abortionists in a sympathetic light. Its directors assumed that Dr. Tiller was a champion of...
In a previous article, I presented an interview with Renee, whose mother had an abortion, about what it is like being the sibling of an...
Imagine coming to church for worship, and then having your silent prayer interrupted with “Abomination! You’re going to hell! Synagogue of Satan!”...
She sat across from me, tears streaming down her face. The subject of abortion came up and this woman struggled to discuss...
Everyone’s pro-life. That is, everyone supports some people living. Many pro-abortion activists care deeply about saving the lives of domestic violence victims....
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 11, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Planned Parenthood Counselor Promotes “Anal Sex,” “Whips,” Sex Stores to 15-Year-Old Arlington, VA –...
Signs of hope abound in the ongoing fight to preserve the sanctity of life in America – and one of the best...
Universities are thought to be places where a free range of ideas are encouraged, where all sides of an issue can be...
On July 2, the New York Times ran an article by a young woman who had an abortion. Lisa Selin Davis,...
Abortion: The Essential Guide is a publication written for women who are considering abortion. It purports to be unbiased, but it sugar coats...
As Father’s Day approaches, pro-lifers should be aware that there are men out there who are suffering because their partners or former...