Everyone’s pro-life. That is, everyone supports some people living. Many pro-abortion activists care deeply about saving the lives of domestic violence victims....
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 11, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Planned Parenthood Counselor Promotes “Anal Sex,” “Whips,” Sex Stores to 15-Year-Old Arlington, VA –...
Signs of hope abound in the ongoing fight to preserve the sanctity of life in America – and one of the best...
Universities are thought to be places where a free range of ideas are encouraged, where all sides of an issue can be...
On July 2, the New York Times ran an article by a young woman who had an abortion. Lisa Selin Davis,...
Abortion: The Essential Guide is a publication written for women who are considering abortion. It purports to be unbiased, but it sugar coats...
As Father’s Day approaches, pro-lifers should be aware that there are men out there who are suffering because their partners or former...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 12, 2014 CONTACT: MEDIA@LIVEACTION.ORG Lila Rose, Live Action President: You’re seeing step one of the Planned Parenthood damage...
A pair of pro-life activists heard an abortion clinic worker make a startling statement as documented in a 2014 book called Stories from...
In the book Abortion: a Positive Decision, pro-choice author Patricia Launneborg paints a rosy picture of abortion. She quotes a number of...
Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America, has sent out an email asking for help. One of her leaders in...
The Huffington Post’s “HuffPost Live” is a live streaming network that is unabashedly married to the most liberal of liberal agendas. Abortion...
Citing a policy violation, Google announced that it is removing some web search ads for crisis pregnancy centers, the Washington Post reports....
If you scroll to the bottom of my articles, you’ll find an e-mail address next to my picture. Occasionally, I get messages...