In 2009, there was a crisis in New Zealand when a number of nurses refused to assist in second-trimester abortions. In the...
Before her tragic death in 2012, former abortion clinic nurse Joan Appleton traveled the country speaking out against abortion. She gave her...
Last summer, I wrote about NBA player J.J. Redick’s “abortion contract” with an ex-girlfriend, former model Vanessa Lopez. The contract itself was...
Imagine you’re a young girl facing an unplanned pregnancy. You’re scared, confused, and you feel alone. You’re getting pressure — from your...
A primary source for this story chose to remain anonymous to maintain her privacy. The Denver Catholic Register changed her name to “Kim” to...
Kathy Sparks worked at an abortion clinic until she quit in the mid-80s. While her involvement with abortion work took place several...
Dina Madsen began working at a Sacramento abortion clinic (which she would later describe as an “abortion mill”) in 1990. According to...
Cosmopolitan attempts to address abortion from a complex standpoint with its January 21 piece “How Our Abortion Changed Our Relationship.” Although the abortions...
This week the Guttmacher Institute, former research arm of Planned Parenthood, released a report on America’s abortion rate, “Abortion Incidence and Service...
On Wednesday, January 15, the Supreme Court heard the case of McCullen v. Coakley. Eleanor McCullen, a 77-year-old grandma and sidewalk counselor,...
The last abortion facility in Birmingham, AL appears to be closed, at least temporarily, and local leaders are praying this will be...
A Rasmussen poll from July 9, 2013 shows that although slightly more Americans polled consider themselves pro-choice, that percentage of 46% is...
An academic study published this month reveals that about 25% of women seeking an abortion had been abused by their partners. The...
2014 is a new year, and a new opportunity for pro-lifers to stand up and take charge in the fight for life...