Dina Madsen began working at a Sacramento abortion clinic (which she would later describe as an “abortion mill”) in 1990. According to...
Cosmopolitan attempts to address abortion from a complex standpoint with its January 21 piece “How Our Abortion Changed Our Relationship.” Although the abortions...
This week the Guttmacher Institute, former research arm of Planned Parenthood, released a report on America’s abortion rate, “Abortion Incidence and Service...
On Wednesday, January 15, the Supreme Court heard the case of McCullen v. Coakley. Eleanor McCullen, a 77-year-old grandma and sidewalk counselor,...
The last abortion facility in Birmingham, AL appears to be closed, at least temporarily, and local leaders are praying this will be...
A Rasmussen poll from July 9, 2013 shows that although slightly more Americans polled consider themselves pro-choice, that percentage of 46% is...
An academic study published this month reveals that about 25% of women seeking an abortion had been abused by their partners. The...
2014 is a new year, and a new opportunity for pro-lifers to stand up and take charge in the fight for life...
All states have legal requirements that oblige doctors to file a report of abortions on underage patients. Currently under review in Indiana...
Remember abortionist Curtis Boyd, who admitted freely that his late-term abortions are killing people? Boyd is a former ordained Baptist minister, but...
In an article here about Reproductive Services of Harlingten, an abortion clinic in Texas, an abortionist declares that if not for pro-lifers keeping...
I recently read an account from a 17-year-old who was 24 weeks pregnant and was pressured by abortion clinic workers to abort...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
“We’re married in God’s eyes.” That was the line Donna’s boyfriend, Doug, used to convince her that sleeping together was compatible with...