2014 is a new year, and a new opportunity for pro-lifers to stand up and take charge in the fight for life...
All states have legal requirements that oblige doctors to file a report of abortions on underage patients. Currently under review in Indiana...
Remember abortionist Curtis Boyd, who admitted freely that his late-term abortions are killing people? Boyd is a former ordained Baptist minister, but...
In an article here about Reproductive Services of Harlingten, an abortion clinic in Texas, an abortionist declares that if not for pro-lifers keeping...
I recently read an account from a 17-year-old who was 24 weeks pregnant and was pressured by abortion clinic workers to abort...
The Supreme Court will hear a case this session that challenges the Massachusetts law that established a 35ft buffer zone around abortion...
“We’re married in God’s eyes.” That was the line Donna’s boyfriend, Doug, used to convince her that sleeping together was compatible with...
You’re pro-life. Now tell me; what are you going to do about that before this Christmas? If not too much comes to...
The abortion advocates at the RH Reality Check website, which describes its area of expertise as “Reproductive Sexual Health and Justice News,...
Women who are considering abortion are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. Many of these women are ambivalent and uncertain,...
Because the evil legislators of Texas showed how much they hate women by putting laws in place that the majority of both...
First Arizona; now Nebraska. Abortion is plummeting in some states, and the trend seems to follow staunch pro-life efforts that seek to...
In her early twenties and just out of college Jill Marquis thought marriage seemed like the thing to do. But after a...
Abortion. A word, a topic so debated in American culture and politics but often only in the abstract. What does an abortion...