The Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood on Bleecker Street in Manhattan is infamous to pro-lifers because of the danger it poses to...
(Pregnancy Help News) Nearly one in four children in America live without a father, according to the National Fatherhood Initiative. This lack of...
As the abortion industry strengthens its efforts to profit from abortion and reduce restrictions on the abortion pill, the pro-life movement is...
While there is still more to learn about how vulnerable pregnant women are to the coronavirus (COVID-19), there appears to be good...
In early 2006, Dana sobbed as she walked into a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. She could feel her body shaking and she...
Last week, Live Action hosted a webcast focused on how pro-lifers can help pregnancy resource centers (PRC) around the country during the...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, pro-life sidewalk counselors continue to pray and offer help on the front lines outside American’s abortion businesses. Live...
Three babies found abandoned on doorsteps in Orlando, Florida, three years apart, are all siblings. DNA tests requested by Orlando police revealed...
The abortion industry has begun to exploit the fears many pregnant women are facing amid the coronavirus pandemic. As women deal with...
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is a campaign to raise awareness about sexual assault and sexual violence. Marches, events, and...
A 2019 study published in the Swiss medical journal Medicina found that one in seven women who have abortions are aborting babies...
In the wake of President Trump’s national state of emergency announcement, Americans have been encouraged to practice “social distancing” during the COVID-19...
Just last month, Live Action News reported on the introduction of new pro-life license plate option for the state of Georgia. But...
In response to the news that 50 Los Angeles County high schools will be adding Planned Parenthood “Well-Being” centers on their campuses,...