One of the sponsors of Madison’s bubble zone ordinance has made a motion to reconsider the ordinance during the next Common Council...
Students for Life of America recently awarded Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Voice for Life as the Best New Group of the year,...
Nuns and motorcyclists? Maybe an unlikely partnership in most endeavors, but when it comes to the pro-life cause, the common ground is...
In a recent article in “The Criterion,” Natalie Hoefer interviewed a nurse who worked at Planned Parenthood but left the abortion business...
Coming back from the March for Life is kind of like coming home after a church retreat. But instead of being on...
Britain has a massively liberal abortion policy – one which, much like the United States’, allows for abortions at essentially any point...
After forty-one years of living under Roe v. Wade, the cancerous Supreme Court ruling that declared open season on 56 million innocent...
Kirsten Breedlove was the administrator of the now closed A-Z Women’s Health [abortion] Clinic in Dallas. Her clinic did late-term abortions. When...
On the O’Reilly Factor last night, Bill O’Reilly, along with Kirsten Powers and Kate Obenshain, discussed Planned Parenthood, and whether or not...
In an article I wrote back in March, I spoke about the pressure that doctors often put on the parents of disabled...
Dianna E. Anderson at RH Reality Check, has written an article claiming that the “Purity Movement” enables rape, and even goes so...
In Louisville, Kentucky, there is a place where women facing unplanned pregnancies can go for real help. It’s called A Woman’s Choice...
A recent MSNBC panel covering McCullen v. Coakley (a case challenging legislation which bans sidewalk counselors from standing on public property in from of...
A pro-life woman explained her position this way: Everyone deserves life, love, respect and dignity. Reaching out to the women is vital....