By now, most Live Action News readers have heard the tragic news that Ireland (with assistance from pro-choice forces in the United...
In the early morning hours of November 4, 2017, Megan Artman went into premature labor at just 22 weeks and five days...
In a previous article in this series on the eugenics and class warfare agenda behind federally funded population programs like Title X...
After several referrals from the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives, the Department of Justice may at last be investigating the...
Ghazaleh Moayedi is an abortionist practicing in Hawaii. She participates in telemed abortions, and while she’s also an OB/GYN, it seems that...
In less than a month, Ireland will hold a referendum on its constitution’s Eighth Amendment, which currently “acknowledges the right to life...
Europe has taken a dark turn in recent years. In multiple countries across the continent, the culture of death has been slowly...
In March of 2018, the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics published what amounts to a hit piece on pregnancy resource centers,...
In part one of this series on fetal research, Live Action News detailed a number of experiments conducted on living abortion survivors....
James Scott Pendergraft is a notorious late-term abortionist who has traveled around the country, leaving dead children in his wake. Pendergraft is...
It should come as no surprise that the abortion industry despises pregnancy resource centers. PRCs are saving the lives of preborn babies...
“I was told that my baby was not really a live baby, but that it was only a blob of flesh, and...
A midwife who practices in western Massachusetts and also commits abortions has claimed that “mercy” is one reason why she ends the...
Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) recently made headlines when a teacher came under scrutiny after the national school violence walkout made headlines,...