While there is a myriad of resources available for understanding the pro-life movement and history, some stand out. Every pro-lifer should consider...
Jaelyn Barnes suffered a miscarriage at the end of her first trimester with her fifth child. She and her husband, Garth, and...
A newly released abortion statistics report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals a reduction in the number of abortions reported...
You may be familiar with the name Willie Parker. The notorious abortionist works at the only abortion facility left in the state...
Though Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities claim to support women’s choices, they generally don’t help women who choose against abortion. Pregnancy...
A common pro-choice argument is that abortion is acceptable because a fetus/preborn baby is merely “potential life,” not a person. Therefore, killing...
(Save the 1) I’m finally ready to tell my story about having become pregnant by rape because the more of us that...
(Save the Storks) My husband and I were thrilled to find out we were pregnant with our seventh kiddo! We knew our kids...
It’s the first time for the United States, and it might allow babies their first breaths. The Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017,...
In a recent W Magazine interview, former Planned Parenthood president Faye Wattleton spoke about the founding of Planned Parenthood, about her own...
A 17-year-old girl, a refugee from Mexico, is seeking an abortion in Texas. The U.S. government has stated that it cannot take...
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart recently closed down his facility in Germantown, Maryland, which had been purchased by a pro-life organization, Maryland...
Many of us have worn it, and others have surely seen it — the iconic pro-life “Precious Feet” pin. But what’s the...
Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPACT) and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) are spending $500,000 to organize “an army of volunteers” to support...