A newly discovered 1960’s video produced by Walt Disney Productions promotes “family planning” propaganda as a way to solve overpopulation and enter into...
Last year, United Kingdom abortion provider Marie Stopes was racked with scandal. The Care Quality Commission made several routine, unannounced inspections of...
(LifeSiteNews) – A professional football star is exposing Planned Parenthood’s origins in the racist views of founder Margaret Sanger. “I do know...
A newly released undercover recording captures a late-term abortion facility staffer telling a “healthy woman posing as 25 weeks pregnant” that they...
A pair of twin girls are being called miracles after they defeated all the odds to not only survive, but thrive. Ruby...
UPDATE: 8/15/17 17-year-old Harriette Hoyt is charged with attempted murder in the 2nd degree, a class B felony, for placing the baby girl...
The Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” was a huge success, at first glance. Based on the 2007 novel, the series follows teenager...
An early Planned Parenthood director, who once admitted that few women died from illegal abortion because a majority were performed by physicians,...
The mother of terminally ill baby Charlie Gard left a courtroom in tears after a judge announced that her baby will die...
(Save the 1) As a 14-year-old freshman, virgin, church-going, smart, young girl, I was raped on my high school campus by an...
Following a trend of abortion facility closures, two more facilities, Woman Care of Southfield PC in Lathrup Village, Michigan, and the Texas...
After all these years, you’d think notorious pro-abortion demagogue Amanda Marcotte would have covered just about every conceivable way to expose herself...
In a medical first, twins have been born to a woman who was declared brain-dead and was kept on life support for...
The tragic story of little Charlie Gard has many questioning whether courts should have the power to usurp parental rights. In almost...